Frome Jubilee Wood

Frome Jubilee Wood

To plant 70 trees along the banks either side of the River Frome between the Button Bridge and the Pedestrian Bridge from Westway Precinct. This would create a small wood with the river running through. Trees should be native types, including weeping willow. A 70-character statement should accompany these, along the lines of "Frome Celebrates the Platinum Jubilee of our Queen Elizabeth with this Wood in 2022"


Lovely to have those rather bare banks inhabited with life

A Town centre statement combatting climate change.

The planting of a wood is a longlasting and beneficial asset that, as well as contributing in a small way to the fight against climate change, will benefit the community for generations to come.

More trees for clean air around a carpark, more wildlife. Will soften the look too.

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